

姓    涂勇刚

职    称:教授,博 导


电    话:15180130882

邮    箱:tygzy1212@aliyun.com

社会兼职: 畜产品加工研究会理事;江西食品科学技术学会理事


(1) 2006.9–2009.7, 南昌大学, 食品科学, 博士

(2) 2003.9–2006.7, 云南农业大学, 农产品加工与贮藏, 硕士

(3) 1999.9–2003.7, 南昌大学, 食品科学与工程, 学士


(1) 2009.7-至今, bat365在线平台, bat365中文官网, 讲师、副教授、青年教授

(2) 2013.10-2014.9, 加拿大圭尔夫大学, 食品系, 博士后









强碱诱导的皮蛋蛋白凝胶特性及其组装聚集机理研究(31360398. 国家自然科学基金项目,2014.1-2017.12.50万)

碱处理下的蛋白质降解在皮蛋特征挥发性风味物质形成中的作用机理研究(31101321. 国家自然科学基金项目,2012.1-2014.12.24万)

高特性专用蛋粉生产关键技术研究20112BBF60016. 江西省科技支撑计划项目,2011.1-2013.12.2万)

基于化学指纹图谱技术的皮蛋特征风味物质鉴定研究(GJJ11088. 江西省教育厅青年科学基金项目, 2011.1-2012.12.1万)

松花皮蛋独特风味物质的形成机制研究(SKLF-KF-201008. 南昌大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室开放基金项目, 2010.5-2012.4.3万)


1、张梦雅,赵燕,徐明生,姚瑶,汪雄,涂勇刚*. 蛋源性活性组分对炎症性肠病的缓解作用研究进展. 食品科学, 2018, 39(5):321-328. EI

2、Lilan Xu, Yan Zhao, Mingsheng Xu, Yao Yao, Xuliang Nie, Huaying Du, Yonggang Tu*. Changes in aggregation behavior of raw and cooked salted egg yolks during pickling.Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 80:68-77.SCI

3、Lilan Xu, Yan Zhao, Mingsheng Xu, Yao Yao, Xuliang Nie, Huaying Du, Yonggang Tu*. Effects of salting treatment on the physicochemical properties, textural properties, and microstructures of duck eggs[J]. PLOS One, 2017,12(8):e0182912. SCI

4、Yaoyao Shao, Yan Zhao, Mingsheng Xu, Zhangyi Chen, Shuzhen Wang, Yonggang Tu*. Effects of copper ions on the characteristics of egg white gel induced by strong alkali[J]. Poultry Science, 2017, 96(11):4116-4123.SCI

5、Xiong Wang, Yan Zhao, Yao Yao, Mingsheng Xu, Huaying Du, Mengya Zhang, Yonggang Tu*. Anti-inflammatory activity of di-peptides derived from ovotransferrin by simulated peptide-cut in TNF-α-induced Caco-2 cells[J]. Journal of Functional Food, 2017, 37: 424-432.SCI

6、Yan Zhao, Yao Yao, Mingsheng Xu, Shuzheng Wang, Xiong Wang, Yonggang Tu*. Simulated gastrointestinal digest from preserved egg white exerts anti-inflammatory effects on Caco-2 cells and a mouse model of DSS-induced colitis[J]. Journal of Functional Food, 2017, 35:655-665.SCI

7、邵瑶瑶, , 徐明生, 徐丽兰, ,涂勇刚*. 金属离子对蛋白质凝胶化行为的影响研究进展[J]. 食品科学, 2017, 38(5): 299-304.EI

8、Yan Zhao, Zhangyi Chen, Jianke Li, Mingsheng Xu, Yaoyao Shao, Yonggang Tu*. Formation mechanism of ovalbumin gel induced by alkali[J].Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 61: 390-398.SCI

9、Yan Zhao, Zhangyi Chen, Jianke Li, Mingsheng Xu, Yaoyao Shao, Yonggang Tu*. Changes of microstructure characteristics and intermolecular interactions of preserved egg white gel during pickling[J]. Food Chemistry, 2016, 203:323-330.SCI

10、Yan Zhao, Xuying Luo, Jianke Li, Mingsheng Xu, Yonggang Tu*. Formation of lysinoalanine in egg white under alkali treatment[J]. Poultry Science, 2016, 95(3):660-667SCI

11、Yan Zhao, Xuying Luo, Jianke Li, Mingsheng Xu, Yonggang Tu*. Effect of basic alkali-pickling conditions on the production of lysinoalanine in preserved eggs[J]. Poultry Science, 2015, 94(9): 2272-2279.SCI

12、Zhangyi Chen, Jianke Li, Yonggang Tu*, Yan Zhao*, Xuying Luo, Junjie Wang, Menglin Wang. Changes in gel characteristics of egg white under strong alkali treatment[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 45(3): 1-8.SCI

13、Yan Zhao, Yonggang Tu*, Mingsheng Xu, Jianke Li, Huaying Du. Physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of preserved duck egg white[J]. Poultry Science, 2014, 93(12): 3130-3137.SCI

14、Yan Zhao, Yonggang Tu*, Jianke Li, Mingsheng Xu, Youxian Yang, Xuliang Nie, Yao Yao, Huaying Du. Effects of alkaline concentration, temperature, and additives on the strength of alkaline-induced egg white gel[J]. Poultry Science, 2014, 93(10): 2628-2635.SCI

15、Xu-ying Luo, Yonggang Tu*, Yan Zhao*, Jian-ke Li, Jun-jie Wang. Effects of sulfhydryl compounds, carbohydrates, organic acids, and sodium sulfite on the formation of lysinoalanine in preserved egg[J]. Journal of Food Science, 2014, 79(8): T1621-T1628.SCI

16、Yong-gang Tu, Yan Zhao, Ming-sheng Xu, Xin Li, Hua-ying Du. Simultaneous determination of twenty inorganic elements in preserved egg prepared with different metal ions by ICP-AES[J]. Food Analytical Methods, 2013, 6(2): 667-676.SCI

17、Yong-gang Tu, Zhi-qiang Xiong, Xiu-ying Song, Xu-liang Nie, Shi-he Wen, Guang-bin Liu. The First Two-dimensional Supramolecular Network Constructed by Na(I) with 2-Methylimidazole-4,5-dicarboxylate Building Blocks[J]. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, 2011, 30(12): 1770-1774.SCI

18、Yong-gang Tu, Ming-yong Xie, Ya-zhen Sun, Ying-gang Tian. Structural characterization of melanin from Black-bone silky fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson) [J]. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, 2009, 22(1):134-136.SCI

19、Yong-gang Tu, Ya-zhen Sun, Ying-gang Tian, Ming-yong Xie, Jie Chen. Physicochemical characterization and antioxidant activity of melanin from the muscles of Taihe Black-bone silky fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson) [J]. Food Chemistry, 2009, 114(4):1345-1350. SCI


1、Yonggang Tu, Yan Zhao. Inorganic elements in preserved egg. In: Patricia Y. Hester, eds. Egg innovations and strategies for improvements. London: Academic Press, 2017, 427-434.

2、涂勇刚, 饶玉林, 王建永主编. 禽肉加工新技术. 北京:中国农业出版社, 2013.


1、涂勇刚,赵燕. 一种高起泡性蛋清粉的制备方法. 201510450279.8. 2015-7-29.

2、涂勇刚, 赵燕, 徐明生. 一种蛋清营养果冻及其制备方法. 201510946442.X. 2015-12-18

3、赵燕, 涂勇刚. 一种皮蛋腌制液及其使用方法[P]. ZL 201310074062.2. 2013-6-12. 2014.7.16授权)

4、赵燕, 涂勇刚, 李建科, 胡明月. 一种咸蛋黄的制作方法. ZL 201310074021.3. 2013-6-12.2014.2.12授权)

5、赵燕, 涂勇刚, 邵兰兰, 李建科. 一种发酵全蛋的制作方法. ZL 201110412768.6. 2012-06-27. 2013.4.17 授权)

6、邓文辉, 赵燕, 涂勇刚, 李建科, 熊波. 一种香酥饼. ZL 201010538346.9. 2011-02-09.2012.11.07 授权)